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Exciting news

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The team would like to share some exciting news with you. Abbots Bromley Nostalgia Team are winners of the Abbots Bromley Coronation Cup 2023. We would like to thank everyone who have supported us over the last 12 years. Without your support and supplying us with photographs and information we… Read More »Exciting news

150 years of st. mary & st. anne

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The team are getting ready for next weekends exhibition celebrating 150 years of the School of St. Mary and St. Anne. Pictured here are some staff members standing by the swimming pool. Maybe you recognise some? Come and see more staff photographs in Church House next Saturday/Sunday 11th/12th May 10am… Read More »150 years of st. mary & st. anne

St Nicholas Churchyard

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All the headstones in St Nicholas Churchyard have recently been safety checked. Unfortunately there are several in need of urgent attention. The headstones/kerbs concerned are Lyons (Timber yard), Thomas and Ann Leedham who died in 1944/45 they lived in Ashbrook Lane, George Mountford who died in 1948 (Mountfords shop), James… Read More »St Nicholas Churchyard


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Join Us for a Churchyard Tidy-Up! Sat 2nd & Sun 3rd March 2024 (weather permitting) From 10 am St. Nicholas Churchyard If you’re free on these dates and craving some good company, fresh air and exercise, grab your gloves, buckets, and tools, and join us at 10 am. Stay as… Read More »CHURCHYARD TIDY UP


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On Saturday the 27th January, the team will be in Church House displaying work undertaken regarding the restoring of fallen/broken memorials in our village churchyard. The team want to keep our village history alive and wasn’t happy seeing headstones that had been laid flat for safety reasons, meaning some have… Read More »CHURCHYARD MEMORIALS

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Church House Church House was built in 1619 and what stories it could tell us. Over the years it’s held jumble sales, childrens parties, bingo, many meetings, whist drives and even at one stage it was Barclays Bank probably in the 1930s. ABNT are going to hold if possible, monthly… Read More »


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HORN DANCE DAY – 11TH September. The Nostalgia Team this year will be displaying photographs etc in two venues – As usual we will be in St Nicholas Church from 9am – 5pm. Also by kind permission from Mr Friel we will be in the old Girls School Chapel from… Read More »HORN DANCE DAY