Church House
Church House was built in 1619 and what stories it could tell us. Over the years it’s held jumble sales, childrens parties, bingo, many meetings, whist drives and even at one stage it was Barclays Bank probably in the 1930s. ABNT are going to hold if possible, monthly events to celebrate the 405 years Church House has been standing there. Our first exhibition will be on 27th January 10-4 displaying our work together with the PCC regarding the churchyard ie refixing and repairing headstones plus the stories we’ve under covered on our past villagers. On February 24th again 10 – 4 we will be holding a pop up cinema to show some old cine reels of AB that have recently been handed to us. These films are from the 1930’s to 1960’s and show so many old faces. We are so grateful to Mr Arthur Brown’s family for allowing us to show them. If you have any memories of Church House please let us know or even if you have lived in the cottage next door, we would be interested to hear from you.