Ernest Sammons was born in 1885 to George and Elizabeth Sammons who was a Grocer and Baker in Bagot Street. Ernest’s occupation on leaving school was a labourer. He married Harriet in 1912 and had two daughters Elizabeth born in 1913 and Annie born in 1915. Ernest enlisted and served with the 14th Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment in France. Pte Sammons had been in France about a year when tragedy struck and he sadly died from wounds on the 18th of October 1917. Ernest is buried in Duisans British Cemetery, France. His wife Harriet was awarded 22 shillings and 11 pence which works out in today’s money at approximately £1.10p. RIP Ernest Sammons.
Joseph Willetts was born in 1881 to Georgina Willetts. Joseph Attended Richard Clarke school from 1888. When war broke out Joseph had his own business as a carrier/carter and was exempt from military service. He married May Udall on the 11th of May 1915 and the couple had their first son George in 1916. In 1918 due to a shortage of men Joseph finally got his call up papers and enlisted on the 15th of April with the North Staffordshire Regt. Joseph became unwell and was discharged on the 8th of August 1918 and sadly on the 27th of August 1918, he passed away age 37 and was buried in St Nicholas churchyard with full military honours. RIP Joseph Willetts