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St Mary & St Anne

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WANTED for our Archives and future exhibitions:- Uniforms of St Mary & St Anne and up to closure i.e Girls summer dress from the 1960s and 1970s, Veil, Ties, Board (hat), boys blazer and cap plus memorabilia and most importantly photographs – including entering into the fancy dress competition in… Read More »St Mary & St Anne

Joseph Twigg: A Faithful and Valued Servant of Hugo Charles Meynell Ingram Esq

Joseph Twigg served the Meynell family of Hoar Cross Hall for thirty seven years. Towards the bank of the west side of the church, a headstone lies flat belonging to Joseph Twigg. The inscription reads: JOSEPH TWIGGWHO DIED AT HOAR CROSS14TH JANUARY 1870AGED 74 YEARSFAITHFUL ANDVALUED SERVANTOF HUGOCHARLES MEYNELLINGRAM ESQ… Read More »Joseph Twigg: A Faithful and Valued Servant of Hugo Charles Meynell Ingram Esq

Abbots Bromley FC

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Pictured here is one of Abbots Bromley FC great players. His name is George Willetts (pictured here with his son) he was scouted by West Bromwich Albion and other clubs but unfortunately WW2 broke out and George joined the RAF but still played the beautiful game. After the war he… Read More »Abbots Bromley FC

RAF Abbots Bromley

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Remembering the airmen who lost their lives over Abbots Bromley. Some coming back from raids in Germany, some pilots training from RAF Abbots Bromley. We will remember them.

Prisoners of War

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Remembering the Prisoners of War. Dennis Tomlinson of Lichfield Road – served in The Leicester Regt. Captured by the Japanese 15/2/1942 in Singapore. Dennis never got over his ordeal and sadly passed away on the 7th December 1964 age 46 and is buried in St Nicholas Churchyard. Gunner Frederick Fowell… Read More »Prisoners of War

Our Fallen in WW2

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Remembering from WW2.. George Horton Fenny was born in 1920 to parents Charles and Minnie Fenny. George served with the 8th Royal Tank Regiment, R.A.C. Death 21st September 1944 in Italy age 24. Buried in Gradara War Cemetery. Parents lived at Bromley Hurst. RIP George Horton Fenny. Lewis Henry Willetts… Read More »Our Fallen in WW2

Vicar’s Son

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Christopher Berkeley was born on the 3rd of June 1896 in Abbots Bromley to the Reverend Stuart Berkeley and Edith Mary. On the 1901 census, the family are recorded as living in the ‘Market Square’ which is probably the address for the vicarage. There are no records saying Christopher attended… Read More »Vicar’s Son

George Henry Arnold

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George Henry Arnold was born in 1886 to Fanny Arnold. Fanny was the daughter of Stephen and Hannah Arnold of Branston. On the 1891 census, George then aged 5 was living with his Grandparents at the Goats Head, Abbots Bromley. In 1901 George now aged 14 is working for Mr… Read More »George Henry Arnold